- October 3, 2021
- Posted by: Thomas Guardado
- Category: Uncategorized
The labor market has taken a considerable leap under President Trump, moving to fullemployment. In this market, recruiters can’t afford to be as picky as they once were. Hereare a number of problems that aren’t really problems, issues that may have once matteredbut really shouldn’t.
First issue, they’ve been laid off.
Lay-offs are not at all representative of an employee’s ability or work ethic. Over 300,000workers experienced lay-offs during the recession; odds are, many of them were goodemployees who were just in the wrong job at the wrong time.
Sometimes, a lay-offis just an indicator of financial instability at a candidate’s previouscompany. To get to the reason behind the lay-off, ask a candidate if they could explain alittle bit about their previous company’s situation during this time.
Second issue, they have big gaps in work history.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 1.4 million Americans who have beenunemployed for 27 weeks or longer.
But just because candidates have been out of the workforce for a while, doesn’t meanthey’d be a bad hire. There could be many reasons why it’s been a while since their last job.
To get a better idea of what they could bring to the table, ask these candidates what theirshort-term and long-term career goals are.
Third problem, no bachelor’s degree.
This isn’t really a problem.
In today’s job market, a bachelor’s degree seems like a requirement for practically every job.But ask yourself,is a degree really necessary for this job? Or any job?
When speaking to these candidates, better to find out more about relevant skills they’velearned over the years than to waste time on what they picked up on in between drinkingand partying in college.
Finally, the issue of job-hopping.
At first glance, switching jobs a lot seems like a deal-breaker. Why should you hiresomeone if they most likely won’t stick around? But there might be an explanation for allthe job-hopping.
The candidate might’ve joined a start-up that went under in six months. Maybe their spousegot a job across the country so they moved, or they simply weren’t a good fit.
Ultimately, none of these should be deal breakers for any one.