The prime purpose behind any background check employment verification is basically toensure that the information provided by the candidate is correct. Employers do suchchecking prior hiring an employee; irrespective of the position. Though most of theapplicants don’t pay emphasis or prepare explicitly for it, it is important to understand thatany little mismatch of information or wrong information can cost the job.

It’s unbelievable but the fact that the number of students losing their candidature hasincreased significantly in the United States due to information mismatch. The rate hasincreased by more than 25%, mostly after 2014. Primarily, candidates taking backgroundcheck employment verification process lightly is said to be the prominent reason behindthe same. But, most of the other candidate put wrong information to stay ahead of thecompetitors is also said to be one of the reasons behind such instances.

Selection criterion based on background checks

Employers do background check employment verification to check how trustworthy canthe candidate be for the company. At the same time, they get the proper view regardingthe consistency of the person at different organizations as well through such backgroundchecks. Background check levels vary from candidate to candidate by the job profile. Thesensitive job profiles, like where the candidate has to work with children or any high-uppersonality involves higher level criminal record checks.

However, there are specific regulations that an employer has to follow while making suchbackground checks. Police stations of the concerned state are abided by the state lawwhile providing such information to the employers. In all other cases, the employers have tostick with the federal laws. Generally, the employers check or compare the starting and

termination date of the jobs, titles of the jobs, payment packages involved, work profiles,etc.

When does the background check costs candidature of an applicant?

As explained above, the number of applicants losing their candidature throughbackground check employment verification has significantly increased. Indeed,misinformation or mismatch of information is one of the prominent reasons behind this.Deliberately omitting information is also one of the reasons.

All these cases are understandable as the rejection looks quite obvious. But, the mostunfortunate cases where applicants can lose its candidature is when it fails to convince theemployer about the real reason behind the termination of their previous job. Shockingly,such instances are increasing in modern times in the US.

The best suggestion in this regard for the candidates is to cite the real reason. In mostoccasions, people cite payment package as the reason. However, this becomes acceptableonly when the concerned candidate has served the company for a significant amount oftime. Otherwise, the employers may consider you as greedy.

The other occasion when the verification process costs the job of the candidate is whenhe/she fails to convince the employer of the reason behind the gap in academics orprofessional career (if any). In such occasions, best recommendation would be to state theactual reason, rather than trying to be manipulative.

Legal aspects that the employers should follow

Every applicant should remain aware of the legal aspects of the background checkemployment verification process. First of all, they should understand that it is essential forthe employers to obtain permission from them (applicant) before going for professionalemployment verification.

No doubt a candidate may not grant such permission. But, the employer holds every rightto reject them for this reason. In fact, the employer can ask about the documents from theapplicant, if they are denied by the applicant to conduct professional verification process orto ask the previous employer about these aspects.

Tax-related documents also can’t be denied by the applicant if the recruiter asks about thesame from the applicant. Most of the companies in modern times prefer going with third-party employment verification service providers. However, it is important to understand thatthese third party service providers have to follow the state laws more, over the federal laws.

This is so as the state laws often vary from one to the other. In certain occasions, theemployers have to abide by the county laws as well. Most of the states allow the employersto check background history of past five years unless it’s special cases or extremely topposition, where the concerned person has to handle the highest level of nationalresponsibility.

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