A war for talent is being waged in this tight job market.

Companies are fighting hard to recruit, hire and retain both millennials and olderprofessionals.

Among millennials, 89% prioritize benefits over pay raises, companies who want themshould focus on those, such as:

Learning and development programs: Companies need to put in place the framework tohelp employees grow internally. These opportunities could include more formalizedclasses or tasking them with managing projects or leading meetings.

Family benefits: Having comprehensive family benefits – fertility, infertility, pregnancy,maternity and parenting benefits – can make one company stand out from the rest.

Lifestyle support: With a quarter of millennials in debt, this group is looking for student loanrepayment programs, financial assistance and fitness discounts. Flexible scheduling canalso be a make-or-break benefit for young millennials.

For older professionals, cash will do nicely.

As is to be expected, as millennials gain life experience and stop being America’s biggestfailure on quite possibly every imaginable level, they too will shift towards cash and thefreedom it gives, as opposed to remaining trapped within whatever company chose to hirethem in the beginning.

Of course, it is up to you to decide if you want to be the one parenting them through thistransition.

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