- April 29, 2021
- Posted by: Thomas Guardado
- Category: Uncategorized
Must know aspects about employment background check
Employers have gone way stricter these days when it comes about checking thebackground of the candidates they hire. Many doubts arise on this context in the minds ofpeople those who get hired. The biggest doubt among these is regarding exactly what theemployment check employment history about the candidate before hiring someone.
Do they check the criminal history of the candidate? Do they enquire about the paymentrelated aspects of the candidates? Many questions like these do appear. Ultimately, theemployers go for background check employment history of the candidates in awholesome fashion.
Some job hunters may not take this seriously. Such people have the perception that as theirbackground is clean or as they haven’t done anything illegal, they have no reason to beworried. However, it is important to check still whether the background checkemployment history is conducted legally.
The minimum thing that the employers do check is regarding the authentication of your jobrole or the profile. Days of initiating the job, the day of ending, history of payment packages,job posting, etc. are considered legal for the employers to enquire about. In fact,connecting with the former employers and enquiring about the details provided there isalso legally correct for the sake of checking their authenticity.
Details that the previous employers don’t share
As explained above, the present employer holds every right to ask the previous employerabout the job profile and others. But, it is important to understand that the previous
employer is not bound to help in this regard. It’s dependent upon the concerned companyto decide whether to help the other employer regarding background check employmenthistory or not.
To be specific, the previous employers often don’t share about the payment relatedinformation, and moreover about the performance. Hence, on many occasions, theemployers use illegal methods to enquire about these details.When it comes to anemployer asking the candidate directly, there is no limitation.
In fact, even the federal laws have no constraints in this regard. But, there are state lawswhich can resist the employer about certain aspects, like sensitive health issues (unless thesame affects the job role). It is thus recommended for the candidates to check the rules setby their concerned states in this regard.
When do the third-party service providers check?
Companies have all rights to go for background check employment history of thecandidate they are going to hire. But, this doesn’t mean that any random person can dothese checking. If the company prefers doing these checking on its own, only the HRprofessionals can do the check.
However, most of the employers in modern times prefer outsourcing the same to otherprofessional organizations for background checking. Specifically, the employers in moderntimes prefer third party service providers in this regard to check the criminal history of theconcerned candidate. Similarly, they have to depend upon the professional serviceproviders regarding the credit history of the candidates.
The level of background checking is quite dependent upon the nature of the job as well.Employers can ask only as per the concerned state laws permit it. In general, the rigorouschecking processes like criminal history is limited only for the jobs in which the person hasto work with children, top security departments of state/national level, etc.
Which things can be omitted and which cannot?
It’s a misconception among many that background check employment history is onlydependent upon what has been mentioned over the CV. For example, some people omitthe work profile at a specific company on their CVs for the negative record or any similarreasons. However, the employers often show a keen interest in knowing about the same. Itis recommended not to omit anything if the position is of higher rank.
Upon being caught, there remains every chance of candidature being rejected. Specifically,a candidate should not omit if the employer sets the condition of knowing all previousprofessional details. In fact, the employers attest the candidates to stay at the safer side inthis regard. Even if a candidate forgets certain details or the documents regarding it haslost, he/she should clearly state about the same, rather than completely omitting.