


Emerging signs of sanity in government? Fear not, the government is as insane as ever. The anomaly here was one of the few normal judges scattered throughout our court system actually getting put on the case.So, what happened here? Well, according to general news sources, the agency got hit by fines because it had ‘failed to follow proper procedure’ by ‘not conducting a reasonable investigation of the claims and a bonafide conciliation of them’. In other words, it had not bothered to check to see whether or not the claims were true, or whether or not the two parties might be able to settle their differences out of court with a reasonable arbitration agreement.Instead, they dove headlong into the case, eager to get themselves another scalp.And fortunately for everyone, they promptly cracked their heads open on the pool floor because they brainlessly ignored the no diving sign.It was a symbol of oppression or something.Anyhow, here’s the short version. The case was EEOC v. CRST Van Expedited, a delivery company. The suit stemmed from a sexual harassment claim made by a female CRST worker against two male co-workers, and a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of1964 against the company.The case had a long, winding history through the court system and included a $4.7 million verdict against the EEOC (the largest amount ever levied against the agency) and a stop in the Supreme Court.Eventually, it wound up being decided by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa. Not only was CRST able to get the Title VII charges dismissed, it also got a $1.9 million attorneys’ fees award.

What I find interesting, however, is the way this is being framed as a ‘failure to follow procedure’. Not bothering to investigate the claims isn’t a procedural slip up, it is a violation of the most central tenet of justice, the commitment to Truth. Failing to attempt areas on able arbitration isn’t a simple slip up either, it’s a violation of the agencies’ charter.They just can’t release a narrative that they don’t like.Insanity.

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