Working Procedure of Reputed Online Background Check Verification Companies

The reputed Online Background Check verification companies understand the needs of the client’s and maintain the work in an organized manner. The experienced members of the background verification companies first design a plan and manage the execution process accordingly. In order to understand the working principle of the reputed service providers, just go through the following processes:


The Online background check service providers offer a wide range of service packages, as per the need of the clients. The employers select a package, which satisfy their needs. Different add-ons are also offered the reputed service providers, in order to enhance the background investigation process. After selecting a package, the employers are directed to the payment platform. And once the payments are done, the investigation process is initiated by the service provider.

After receiving the background investigation assignment, the service providers first verify the purpose of investigation. They verify the business and company details in order to ensure a valid reason of investigation for employment purpose. After that, a contract form is sent to the employers, which represents permission to conduct a online background check.

If the employer accepts to sign the contract, then he/she has to send the basic details of the applicants instantly. Mainly, the basic details include email address, social security number, legal name, and date of birth. Once all these details are received by the background verification company, the screening process will start instantly.

Depending on the depth of the report, the service provider will send the report within 1-3 working days. This report is maintained as per FCRA law and is also followed by county search in order to ensure the accuracy of the report. This report also involves multi state criminal search to filter out the candidates with criminal backgrounds in other states.